August 2022 MCQSC Update: Comments Submitted on Proposed Supersonic Aircraft Noise Standards

Sincere THANKS to our many MCQSC members who took action recently by submitting comments on the FAA's proposed noise standards for commercial supersonic aircraft.  Our collective voices are critical on this issue.  It's hard to believe that we may soon be impacted not only by jet aircraft "rails in the sky" but also the reintroduction of commercial supersonic aircraft.  

We also want to give a huge shout-out to our congressman, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who sent a letter on our behalf to the FAA on this issue..  Congressman Raskin stated that the proposed rule change "would place an additional noise burden on a massive group of my constituents" and "actions supporting development of air transportation should not be taken at the expense of citizens on the ground."  We encourage you to read the full text of his letter. 


The MCQSC team


September 2020 MCQSC Update: U.S. Representatives Send Letter to FAA Demanding It Reevaluate How It Measures Aviation Noise


August 2020 MCQSC Special Update: Virtual Meeting with Aviation Consultant and County Officials